
Advanced Adult Profile Home Test Kit

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What can I expect from this test?

  • Diabetes
  • Lipid Function
  • Liver Function
  • Iron Parameters
  • Electrolytes
  • Vitamin parameters
  • Kidney Function
  • Inflammatory Markers
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The Advanced Adult Profile Home Test Kit is one of the most comprehensive health analysis tools that have been laboriously prepared for adults alone. This fabulous kit offers an extended range of tests of vital importance aimed at providing a complete and accurate overview of your general health status. Contained in it are a number of important markers that make it easy for both you and your physician to identify a health issue as early as possible in various ways. In this way, it may proactively present timely intervention and effective prevention strategies to preserve and enhance your health.

Key Tests Included:

  • Iron – The level of iron in your blood is required to produce hemoglobin.
  • Total Iron Binding Capacity (TIBC) – It reflects the blood level of transferrin, which is the protein that transports iron through the blood.
  • Transferrin Saturation – Tests how well your body is utilizing the available iron.
  • Transferrin – Valuable information is provided about what quantity of the transferrin is not bound to iron.
  • Albumin – Test of proteins, important for assessing nutritional condition and the function of the liver.
  • Globulin – Usually measured with albumin to determine the condition of protein balance and the state of immune health.
  • Urea – Measured in indications of protein metabolism and renal functions.
  • Cholesterol – General cholesterol profile; necessary for heart condition assessment.
  • Non-HDL Cholesterol – Cholesterol not transported by high-density lipoprotein, or HDL. It is a critical marker for the determination of cardiovascular risk.
  • Lactate Dehydrogenase – LDH Provides information on tissue damage in the heart, liver, or muscles.
  • Total, Direct, Indirect Bilirubin – Helps diagnose conditions of the liver, gallbladder, and blood disorders.
  • eGFR (estimated GFR) – A kidney function test that calculates the rate at which the kidneys filter blood.
  • Ferritin – A protein that indicates the amount of iron stored in the body.
  • HbA1c – The very important marker, which helps in assessing blood sugar control and thus helps in the management of diabetes.
  • ALT and AST- Enzymes that help in identifying liver injury or infection.
  • Calcium- Necessary for many physiological body functions, especially for bones and teeth.
  • Creatinine and Creatine Kinase (CK) – Important markers that indicate kidney function and muscle health, including heart muscles.
  • Gamma GT – A liver enzyme test sensitive to liver health and alcohol intake.
  • Uric Acid – Diagnosis elevated levels of uric acid, which are associated with gout and other joint diseases.
  • Gamma GT – It is the liver enzyme test that is sensitive to provide relevant information about liver health and alcohol intake.
  • Uric Acid – Diagnoses high-level uric acid, because higher levels of uric acid are associated with gout and other joint diseases.
  • C-Reactive Protein – It involves inflammation and is thus useful for the assessment of cardiovascular and other inflammatory disorders.
  • Total Protein – Estimates the protein content in the body, thereby helping tremendously in the diagnosis of liver disease, renal disorder, or nutritional deficiencies.
  • Magnesium – This is a very critical mineral that keeps muscles and nerves healthy, along with a regular heartbeat; it maintains bone health.
  • Vitamin B9 (Folate) –  Assists in DNA synthesis and thereby aids in the production of red blood cells and prevents anemia.
  • Vitamin D –  It assists in calcium absorption, bone health, and proper immune response.
  • Vitamin B12 – Plays a central role in the health of neurons and the brain, in the production of red blood cells, and also in preventing anemia.


What are the convincing reasons for the application of the Advanced Adult Profile Home Test Kit?

  • Health Comprehensive Insight: You will be able to get detailed information on your general health and wellbeing, thus being enlightened on the principal ways of how your body functions.
  • Proactive Care: Early detection of potential health issues will afford you the opportunity to make necessary changes in your lifestyle or get timely medical treatment, hence taking better care of your health in the long run.
  • Convenience: Easy-to-operate home tests are convenient, reliable, and precise, hence saving you from frequent trips to the doctor.
  • Holistic Health Assessment: It does include liver, kidney, heart, and bone health, among other areas of health concerns that determine your body’s key vital systems.
  • Empowered Health Management: Advanced Adult Profile empowers you to take charge of your health through informed decisions, being proactive, and having the involvement that one should have; thus, this supports responsible care and wellness in adults.

The kit enables people to take responsibility for maintaining and improving their health by giving them the knowledge and the instruments with which they can make intelligent choices regarding their health.